Rima & Sahil

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Rima & Sahil accidentally got married 3.5 years ago! They've been together for five years and have learned how to manage conflict so well that they run a Florida wedding planning business together. Read on below to hear how they accidentally got married and how they keep their relationship healthy, fun, and productive.

How they met

Rima: We met on the app, Dil Mil. After college, Sahil moved to London for two years, and I was in the US. We talked online for almost a year. We felt like we had a connection even through long distance. We didn't have to try to make conversation. It came easily. We had a similar sense of humor and a similar taste in music. He was easy going.

How they handle conflict

Rima: We're pretty open with each other. I'm not going to wait six months to discuss something that bothers me. I'm going to bring it up immediately. We're pretty good about letting each other know if we're not happy. He's very aware of his triggers and what he gets upset about. I don't listen well. It can take 20 tries to get my attention, so I've been working on that.

How they accidentally got married

Rima: We got married accidentally! We got engaged, and our parents wanted to do an engagement puja. There was a lot of miscommunication, and the pundit performed the marriage rituals at our engagement puja! People were very confused!

How they manage their relationship with their parents and decided not to have kids

Rima: Both sets of parents don't infringe on us. They let us do our thing. We don't want kids, and they leave us alone about it. They don't want to force us to do anything. We don’t think we should have kids because it's another task to complete. I'm not about living my life because there's a certain way to do things or specific things to get done.

Sahil: My mom was a single parent, and she didn't want to get married or have kids, so they don't push us to have kids.

How they run a business together

Rima: I was an event planner for eight years, even before I met him. After I moved to Florida to be with him, I got a job. He knew I wanted to have my own event planning business, so I started working on it. He helps out on wedding days, but he also helps with marketing.

Sahil: I don't step on her toes. We don't but heads.

Rima: I call him my assistant, but that's not fair. He's supportive and lets me do my thing. I can trust him 100%. I could get mad at him, but we have the same goal.

Sahil: We understand each other's strengths.

Rima: I know that he intends to make this business grow. His suggestions are valid. We recognize our strengths and weaknesses and when to let the other lead, and when to follow. There's not a particular person who wears the pants.

Sahil: We try to work through things together. We can't have one person dominate the other.

Rima: Our basis was open and honest communication. I can trust him with anything in my life.

All the ways they keep their relationship fun

Rima: I like cooking elaborate meals that he likes. He bakes for me, too, even though he has diabetes. I'm always up for something he wants to do and vice-versa. We like to travel. We like going to a brewery, having date nights and movie nights, having a pool day, building Lego sets, and finding new shows to watch. We used to write in a daily couple's journal, too. 

Honest advice for couples

Rima: I went into our relationship with the mindset that I have nothing to lose by being honest. If this person doesn't like that, that's cool. We tell each other if something is bothering us. Know your partner and their love languages, how they get angry, and how they cope with anger. Don't try to change your partner. That's not why you're with that person. 


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